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  • Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War - Dark Crusade

    Рекомендовані повідомлення

      Dronidzzze сказав:

    Я вернулся! Если что я с вами. Мой орден вернулся с Макрейджа и ч готов сражатся!!!


    ну это нормально... :)))



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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    Топ авторів теми

    Топ авторів теми

    Попробую и я сегодня некронами кого-то отодрать :smile000:

    In BRUTAL we truth and the DEATH will safe us


    Сжигание мира и всего в этой жизни

    Брось всех людей в огненную яму

    Овцы наблюдают за тобой

    Они собрались, чтобы умереть

    Последователи жизни следуют к могиле

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      CTPAX сказав:

    Сегодня нужно обязательно повторить!!! собираемся все как вчера если б еще есть не подвела бдет МЕГА поединок


    Я свами!!! Пустите?:biggrin0:



      Canibal сказав:

    Попробую и я сегодня некронами кого-то отодрать :smile000:


    Нет, некронами всех деру я. Такаду уже начинаю потихоньку :smile000: Змінено користувачем Vano
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    да уж...

    ага напали на старого немощного нуба...любителя Великого Добра...

    повылазили демоны окаянные из-под земли-матушки... гной и кравища с них хлещет!.. вонючие!.. и тохо так мои Бараки своими ручищами с крюками и вынесли...

    Препарированные рулят...

    но им в очердном патче обещали уменьшить урон по зданиям :tongue00:

    Змінено користувачем Takada



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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      Vano сказав:

    Я свами!!! Пустите?:biggrin0:

    Нет, некронами всех деру я. Такаду уже начинаю потихоньку :smile000:


    Давай на пару :biggrin0:

    In BRUTAL we truth and the DEATH will safe us


    Сжигание мира и всего в этой жизни

    Брось всех людей в огненную яму

    Овцы наблюдают за тобой

    Они собрались, чтобы умереть

    Последователи жизни следуют к могиле

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      Takada сказав:

    да уж...

    ага напали на старого немощного нуба...любителя Великого Добра...

    повылазили демоны окаянные из-под земли-матушки... гной и кравища с них хлещет!.. вонючие!.. и тохо так мои Бараки своими ручищами с крюками и вынесли...

    Препарированные рулят...

    но им в очердном патче обещали уменьшить урон по зданиям :tongue00:


    И всё таки в игре диссбаланс. Сколько не пытался играть Тау, не получалось нормально поиграть. У них дальний урон АЦЦКИЙ, но ближний никакой, и круты их не спасают. И им надо очень быстро строится. А если сильно ударится в экономику, то вынесут при первом нападении, поскольку воинов будет мало. Хотя помню игру когда Такада отстраивал воинов Тау, а я крутов, прикольно было, но такая схема рулит только на узких картах.


    З.Ы. Когда сегодня играть будем?

    З.Ы.Ы. Канибал, давай.=)

    Змінено користувачем Vano
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    Я буду... Давайте организуемся около 22:00 ???
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      Juno Reactor сказав:

    Я буду... Давайте организуемся около 22:00 ???


    А мы со Страхом уже 3 партии сыграли. Ля-ля-ля :rolleyes:
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      Vano сказав:

    А мы со Страхом уже 3 партии сыграли. Ля-ля-ля :rolleyes:


    Я только а час проснулся а они уже 3 партии сыграли :laugh000:

    In BRUTAL we truth and the DEATH will safe us


    Сжигание мира и всего в этой жизни

    Брось всех людей в огненную яму

    Овцы наблюдают за тобой

    Они собрались, чтобы умереть

    Последователи жизни следуют к могиле

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    - ANGEL (Juno Reactor) - space_marine_race;

    - Cаnibal - necron_race;

    - CTPAX - eldar_race;

    - Droidzzze - space_marine_race;

    - Fallout (Valdemar);

    - GRUZovik - space_marine_race;

    - Marcus - imperial_guard_race;

    - MONARH;

    - Murzilka;

    - TOXIN - eldar_race;

    - s3rius (@biss) - space_marine_race;

    -=Spider=- - chaos_marine_race;

    - STARIONS - necron_race;

    - Steel;

    - Student;

    - Vano - necron_race


    постоянных Воинов все больше... это хорошо :smile000:

    Змінено користувачем Takada



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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    Кто-то писал по поводу чемпа... Проведем его, но только после офф мода DoWpro, который выйдет уже в этом месяце (точно напишу позже).

    2Вано - посмотрим на "ваших" некрофилов в норм балансе %) вот тогда "вам" прийдеться мозги то напряч =)


    Darker Than Black

    ¬осподин админ, ¬де я мо¬у узнать, почему буква "¬" переворачивается?

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    офф. статистика на ладдере:


    Top Races Win Loss %

    Chaos 128451 104018 55

    Ork 70897 56871 55

    Space Marine 236513 193514 55

    Eldar 93725 78654 54

    Necron 186304 161463 54

    Imperial Guard 97742 91621 52

    Tau Empire 212918 202142 51


    ХАОС рулит !

    главное чтобы не Орки :)))



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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      Takada сказав:

    офф. статистика на ладдере:


    Top Races Win Loss %

    Chaos 128451 104018 55

    Ork 70897 56871 55

    Space Marine 236513 193514 55

    Eldar 93725 78654 54

    Necron 186304 161463 54

    Imperial Guard 97742 91621 52

    Tau Empire 212918 202142 51


    ХАОС рулит !

    главное чтобы не Орки :)))


    Как я и говорил, Тау на последнем месте. Надеюсь Великий Патч всё исправит!!!
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      Vano сказав:

    Как я и говорил, Тау на последнем месте. Надеюсь Великий Патч всё исправит!!!


    ТАУ очень сильны (но и трудны), но им и вправду не хватает немножко баланса (у них вродь все норм только еко и развитие долгое сдания слабые.... разве так мона :biggrin0: ) думаю в патче им еко подрегят

    и добавят мЯсовых юнитов для ближнего боя

    Змінено користувачем CTPAX


    Darker Than Black

    ¬осподин админ, ¬де я мо¬у узнать, почему буква "¬" переворачивается?

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      CTPAX сказав:

    ТАУ очень сильны (но и трудны), но им и вправду не хватает немножко баланса (у них вродь все норм только еко и развитие долгое сдания слабые.... разве так мона :biggrin0: ) думаю в патче им еко подрегят

    и добавят мЯсовых юнитов для ближнего боя


    У них недостаток-ближний бой, кторого у них практически нету

    In BRUTAL we truth and the DEATH will safe us


    Сжигание мира и всего в этой жизни

    Брось всех людей в огненную яму

    Овцы наблюдают за тобой

    Они собрались, чтобы умереть

    Последователи жизни следуют к могиле

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      Canibal сказав:

    У них недостаток-ближний бой, кторого у них практически нету


    Ближний бой у них то как раз есть, крутоксы, шейперы крутов, ну и кнарлок, очч сильны в ближнем бою, но "добиратся" до них очень долго. :sad00000:
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    список изменений мода ХР 3.3.:

    Change Log from Dark Crusade 1.11:




    - All infantry units size and speed decreased by 20%.

    - Only jump and hover troop speed didn't get changed.

    - All units get a base keen sight range of 5.

    - All mines field explosion recharge time reduced from 4 to 1 seconds.







    - Tier 2 Addon requires Armoury and Temple building.

    - Tier 2 Addon increases health to 8000.

    - Tier 3 Addon requires Machine pit and Sacrificial Circle building.

    - Tier 3 Add-on increases health to 9000.


    Chaos Armoury


    - Need temple.

    - Heavy weapon research replaced by Ranged skill specialist.

    - This research increases the damage of all ranged weapons used by Chaos Marines and Havocs.


    Sacrificial Circle


    - Added daemonic visage research.

    - Added daemonic mutation research.


    Chaos Lord


    - Built from HQ.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Start with Manreaper.

    - Upgrades to Power Sword after Power Sword research.

    - Upgrades to Accursed Crozius after Power Fist research.

    - Armor parts appear after first and second commander health research.




    - Can regenerate.

    - Forced labour also triple their moving speed.




    - Aspiring Champion removed.

    - Squad size increased to 15

    - Squad start with 5 Cultist.

    - Keen sight range decreased to 15.

    - Share soft cap with Chaos Marines and Raptors.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Chaos Marines


    - New model, version 1.7 by Closer to Codex Team.

    - Can upgrade to missile launcher and flamer.

    - Missile launcher damage reduced by 45%, but get a small blast radius.

    - Health increased.

    - Build time and reinforce time increased by 25%.

    - Cannot use infiltration anymore.

    - Health increased.

    - Share soft cap with Cultists and Raptors.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Chaos Raptors


    - Available after chaos armory.

    - Can upgrade to plasma guns.

    - Health increased by 25%.

    - Build time and reinforce time increased by 25%.

    - Health increased.

    - Share soft cap with Cultists and Chaos Marines.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Chaos Havocs


    - New model, from Closer to Codex Team.

    - Tier 2 units.

    - Start with heavy bolter, can upgrade to missile launcher, auto cannon and lascannon.

    - Missile launcher damage reduced by 45%, but get a small blast radius.

    - Health increased.

    - Share soft cap with Berserkers and Horrors.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - New model, version 1.1 by closer to Codex Team.

    - Get their own Aspiring Champion.

    - Armed with chainsword, can upgrade to chain axe.

    - Max of 6 units in squad.

    - Share soft cap with Horrors and Havocs.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Squad start with 4 units, can reinforce to 8.

    - Get many upgrades via research.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Share soft cap with Berserkers and Havocs.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Possessed Marines


    - Squad size reduced to 8 units.

    - Get many upgrades at Sacrificial Circle.

    - Have 750 points of morale.

    - Share soft cap with Obliterators and Terminators.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Chosen Terminators


    - New model done by Closer to Codex Team Mod.

    - Get 2 heavy weapon slots.

    - Can upgrade to heavy flamer.

    - Can upgrade to reaper cannon.

    - Built from Greater Sacrificial Circle.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Share soft cap with Possessed and Obliterators.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Need captured Relic.

    - Power fist use same damage stats as Aspiring Champion.

    - Get heavy flamer.

    - Squad cannot go higher than 3 units.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Share soft cap with Possessed and Terminators.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Chaos Rhino


    - New model, version 1.2 by Closer to Codex Team Mod.

    - Features a mounted combi-bolter.

    - Hitpoints increased to 2500.

    - Can upgrade combi-bolter to combi-flamer.

    - Can be upgraded with a turreted havoc launcher.

    - Rhino use 1 support cap.

    - Can load only one squad.

    - Sight range decreased to 25.

    - Max of 4 Rhino available.




    - Tier 3 unit.

    - Defiler size reduced by 15%.

    - Base model done by Closer to Codex Team.

    - Can regenerate hitpoints.

    - Improved melee and special attack damage by 70%.

    - Can upgrade flamer to havoc launcher.

    - Can upgrade auto cannon to twin lascannon.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Max of 3 Defilers.


    Chaos Predator


    - New model, by Closer to Codex Team.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Available at tier 3.

    - Health increased to 4800.

    - Cost decreased to 150/300.

    - Features a mounted combi-bolter.

    - Can be upgraded with a turreted havoc launcher.

    - Side Heavy bolters can be upgraded to lascannon.

    - Auto cannon can be upgraded to twin lascannon after Chaos Projectile research.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Sight range decreased to 30.

    - Max of 3 Predators.


    Deamon Prince


    - Daemon Prince research cost decreased to 300/300.

    - Size reduced by 10%.

    - Get a heavy flamer on his left fore arm.

    - Daemon Prince research cost decreased to 300/300.

    - Keen sight range increased to 30.




    - Keen sight range increased to 30.





    Soul Shrine


    - Requires Aspect Portal building.




    - Armor type set to Commander.

    - Melee damage greatly increased.

    - Auto-attack units in a range of 15.




    - Rangers get a damage boost to their Long Rifle when infiltrated.

    - Keen sight range increased to 30.

    - Squad size reduced to a max of 5 units.

    - Share soft cap with Guardian, Storm Guardian and Dire Avenger squads.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - Can get both grav platform as leaders option.

    - Max of 2 leaders.

    - Plasma Grenade can be targeted on all unit types.

    - Shuriken and Brightlance platform available after Soul Shrine.

    - Share soft cap with Rangers, Storm Guardians and Dire Avenger squads.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Dire Avengers


    - New units, models from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Good at ranged combat.

    - Dire Avenger Exarch increases health, morale and weapons damage done by all squad members.

    - Share soft cap with Rangers, Guardians and Storm Guardians squads.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Storm Guardians


    - New units, models from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Good at close combat.

    - Can upgrade to be more effective against infantry or vehicles.

    - Plasma Grenade can be targeted on all unit types.

    - Share soft cap with Rangers, Guardians and Dire Avenger squads.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - Sight range decreased to 25.

    - Keen sight range decreased to 15.




    - Are now tier 2.

    - Health increased to 450.

    - Squad start with 3 Banshees, can reinforces to 5.

    - Move faster than other Eldar infantry.

    - Melee damage increased.

    - Share soft cap with Dar Reapers.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Banshee Exarch


    - Health increased to 500.


    Dark Reapers


    - Are now tier 2.

    - Must set-up to fire.

    - Increased damage, range and accuracy of Reaper launcher.

    - Removed fleet of foot ability.

    - Increased health to 550.

    - Share soft cap with Banshees.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Dark Reaper Exarch


    - Can upgrade reaper launcher to Shuriken Cannon after Death Omen research.


    Fire Dragons


    - Use 3 squad cap.

    - Available after Support Portal.

    - Addon cost increased to 120/30.

    - Attack range increased to 30.

    - Fusion gun is effective against all units.

    - Share soft cap with Warp Spider and Harlequins.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Warp Spiders


    - Uses 3 squad cap.

    - Squad start with 3 members, can reinforce to 5.

    - Can deepstrike.

    - Deathspinner reduces target speed by 35%.

    - Share soft cap with Fire Dragons and Harlequins.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Use 3 squad cap.

    - Come into squad of 3 units.

    - Armor type to infantry high.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Get reduced range damage.

    - Squad of 3, can reinforce to 5.

    - Share soft cap with Warp Spider and Fire Dragons.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Seer Council


    - Keen sight range decreased to 10.




    - Upgrades to Shuriken pistol after first commander research.

    - Upgrades to Twin Shuriken pistol after second commander research.

    - Upgrades to Witch Blade after first commander research.

    - Upgrades to Singing Spear after second commander research.

    - Also, new armor parts are added after each commander health research.


    Shuriken Platform


    - Can only be used as leader for Guardian squads.


    Brightlance Platform


    - Can only be used as leader for Guardian squads.


    Falcon Tank


    - Uses 2 support cap.

    - Get the grav booster ability.

    - Added glow FX to many gems.

    - Start with starcannon, can upgrade to brightlance.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Share soft cap with Vypers.

    - Max of 4 squads.




    - New Codex Vyper model done by Zany Reaper.

    - Armor set to vehicle low.

    - Start with shuriken catapult.

    - Can upgrades to missile launcher, starcannon, scatter laser and brightlance.

    - Get the grav booster ability.

    - Build cost decreased to 90/70, 12 secs.

    - Keen sight range increased to 5.

    - Sight range decreased to 25.

    - Use 1 support Cap.

    - Share soft cap with Falcon Grav Tank.

    - Max of 6 Vypers.




    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Available at tier 3.

    - Max of 3 units.


    Fire Prism


    - Support cap use of 3.

    - Hitpoints decreased to 4200.

    - Available at tier 3.

    - Get the grav booster ability.

    - Added glow FX to many gems.

    - Get damage boost to prism cannon after Anhilate research.

    - Fire Prism cannon range increased to 60.

    - Fire Prism hit disable combat, movement and abilities for 3 secs.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Sight range decreased to 30.

    - Max of 3 units.




    - Keen sight range increased to 25.



    Imperial Guard


    Field Command


    - Tier 2 addon requires Tactica Control and Infantry Command building.

    - Tier 2 addon adds 2000 hit points.

    - Tier 3 addon requires Mechanized Command.

    - Tier 3 addon adds 2000 more hit points.

    - Produce the Imperial Captain.

    - Ministorum and Telepathica add-on cost switched.

    - Vindicare temple add-on cost increased to 100 req.

    - Detection field available after tier 2.

    - Detection field radius increased to 35.


    Infantry Command


    - Hit points increased to 2500.

    - Cost increased to 150.

    - Build time increased to 40 secs.

    - Produces Commissars.

    - Ogryn quarter add-on cost increased to 75/25.


    Tactica Control


    - Requires Infantry Command building.

    - Satellite targeting research removed.

    - Kasrkin speed research removed.

    - Plasma pistol research added.

    - Power sword research added.

    - Captain Plasma gun research added.

    - Power fist research added.

    - Eviscerator research added.


    Mechanized Command


    - Armor set to building high.

    - Hit points increased to 4500.

    - Cost increased to 225/150.

    - Build time increased to 50 secs.


    Mars Pattern


    - Don't need full scale war research to be built.

    - Full scale war research is now done from this building.

    - Armor set to building high.

    - Hit points increased to 5000.

    - Cost increased to 300/250.

    - Build time increased to 60 secs.

    - Enables deepstriking Kasrkins via Valkyrie dropship.


    Listening Post


    - First add-on adds 500 hit points.

    - Second add-on adds 1000 more hit points.




    - Hit points increased to 1500.

    - Cost increased to 100/50.


    Tech Priest


    - Laspistol damage buffed.

    - Stance set to melee.

    - Power axe use same stats as Priest's chainsword.




    - New model from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Squad max size to 10 and 15 after Tier 2.

    - Lasgun range decreased to 25.

    - Can get flamer upgrade.

    - Grenade launcher available after tactica control.

    - Can get melta gun upgrade at tier 3.

    - Sergeant can upgrade laspistol to plasma pistol after research.

    - Sergeant can upgrade sword to power sword after research.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Heavy Weapon Squad


    - Available after Tactica Control.

    - Build cost decreased to 200/30.

    - Build time decreased to 20 seconds.

    - Heavy bolter range set to 35.

    - Auto cannon upgrade available at tier 2, range set to 40.

    - Added new smoke and tracer FX to auto cannon shots.

    - Lascannon upgrade available at tier 3.

    - Lascannon rate of fire reduced to 3 sec, damage buffed by 100%.

    - Lascannon range reduced to 50.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - New model from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Armor set to infantry high.

    - Can use infiltration while in cover terrains.

    - Can deepstrike via Valkyrie dropship from Mars pattern.

    - Can get flamer and melta gun upgrade.

    - Hellgun range and damage reduced.

    - Share Cap with Ogryns.

    - Max of 3 Squads.


    Kasrkin Sergeant


    - Available at tier 2.

    - Armor set to infantry high.

    - Hitpoints increased to 650.

    - Hellgun range and damage reduced.

    - Can upgrade hellgun to plasma gun after research.

    - Can upgrade sword to power sword after research.




    - Squad maxed at 5 Ogryns + Bonehead.

    - Mass increased to 25.

    - Share Cap with Kasrkin.

    - Max of 3 Squads.


    Imperial Captain


    - Get an older look.

    - Use the old voices from Winter Assault.

    - No more part of the command squad.

    - Hit points increased to 850.

    - Advanced Weapons Rig research equips the Imperial Captain with plasma pistol and targeting optics.

    - Power fist research also upgrades the Imperial Captain with power fists.

    - Uncommon Valor equips the Imperial Captain with advanced armor.

    - Can attach to squad.

    - Sight range of 25.




    - New model from Havoc.

    - Built from Infantry command.

    - Can upgrade sword to power fist after research.

    - Can upgrade laspistol to plasma after research.




    - Available after Tactica control.

    - Start armed with Chainsword.

    - Can upgrade to Eviscerator at tier 2.




    - Get a keen sight range of 30.

    - Exitus rifle damage boosted when infiltrated.




    - New Model, version 1.1 from the Closer to Codex Team.

    - Use 2 support cap.

    - Cost increased to 120/80.

    - Get a front heavy bolter.

    - Turret can upgrade to Twin Heavy bolter or Auto cannon.

    - Can be equipped with smokes launcher.

    - Only hold 2 squads.

    - Share Cap with Hellhound and Sentinel.

    - Max of 4 Squads.




    - Cannot uncap strategic points.

    - Cost decreased to 100/60 and build time to 15 secs.

    - Start with multi-laser; effective against infantry.

    - Can upgrades to heavy flamer, autocannon and lascannon.

    - Lascannon upgrade at tier 3.

    - Keen sight range of 30.

    - Sight range of 40.

    - Share Cap with Chimera and Hellhound.

    - Max of 4 Squads.




    - New model from Closer to Codex Team.

    - Add-on cost decreased to 50/25.

    - Get a front heavy bolter.

    - Get smokes launcher.

    - Share Cap with Chimera and Sentinel.

    - Max of 4 Squads.




    - Now tier 3.

    - Crew size got reduced by 20%.

    - Health increased to 1500.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Sight range of 30.


    Leman Russ


    - New model, version 1.21 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Don't need full scale war research.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Hit points decreased to 4200.

    - Cost decreased to 160/300.

    - Build time decreased to 40 secs.

    - Can upgrade main cannon to Exterminator twin auto cannon.

    - Left and Right Heavy Bolter can be upgraded to Plasma Cannon, after Full scale war research.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Sight range of 30.

    - Max of 3 tanks of any type.


    Leman Russ Conqueror


    - New model, version 1.21 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Long range anti-armor tank.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Can upgrade main cannon to Vanquisher long range anti-tank cannon.

    - Has a coaxial twin heavy bolter.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Sight range of 30.

    - Max of 3 tanks of any type.


    Leman Russ Demolisher


    - New model, version 1.21 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Short range assault tank.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Left and right weapon sponson are armed with heavy flamer, can be upgraded to multi-melta after Full scale war research.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Sight range of 30.

    - Max of 3 tanks of any type.




    - Available after full scale war research.

    - Support cap uses increased to 5.

    - Armor increased to 15000.

    - Get 2 smokes launchers.

    - Use Hero UI.

    - Cost increased to 600/600.

    - Built time increased to 100 secs.

    - Keen sight range of 15.

    - Sight range of 35.

    - Mega Battle Cannon range increased to 70.

    - Attack range increased to 70.







    - Base hitpoints increased to 7500.


    Summoning Core


    - Now have 100 of armor.




    - Can be repaired.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.


    Builder Scarabs


    - Added melee attack.




    - Special attack frequency decreased from 33% to 25%.

    - Sight range increased to 25.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - Squad can reinforce to 3 units.

    - Can use skimmer ability.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Armor type set to infantry heavy high.

    - Share soft cap with Flayed One.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Flayed One


    - Can be repaired.

    - Share soft cap with Immortal.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Squad size reduced to 3/5.

    - Use 3 squad cap.

    - Cannot be repaired, but regeneration rate increased.

    - Blaster range increased to 20.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Sight range increased to 30.

    - Max of 2 squads.




    - Uses 2 support cap.

    - Can use skimmer ability.

    - Max of 6 units.


    Heavy destroyer


    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Sight range increased to 30.

    - Can use skimmer ability.

    - Max of 4 units.


    Tomb Spyder


    - Keen sight range increased to 10.


    Lord Destroyer


    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Can use skimmer ability.

    - Sight range increased to 30.


    Restored Monolith


    - Hitpoints increased to 15000.

    - Uses Hero UI.

    - Keen sight range of 20.





    Pile o Gunz


    - Even More Blastier research added.

    - Burna research replaced by Da big boom research.

    - Many icons changed.


    Waggh Banner


    - Can be placed anywhere.

    - Cost dropped to 120.

    - Build time decreased to 30 secs.




    - Start with 4 members, can reinforce to 8.

    - Squad cost 100 req.

    - Get the Burna Bomb ability after Pile o Gunz.

    - Burna Bomb ability cost increased to 50/150.




    - New model, version 1.1 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Get stick bomb ability.

    - Squad size reduced to 12.

    - Melee charge modifer increased to 1.5 instead of 1.3.

    - Increased choppas damage by 20%.

    - Share soft cap with Shoota Boyz.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - New model, version 1.2 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Get a better firing animation.

    - Get stick bomb ability.

    - Squad size increased to 12.

    - Share soft cap with Sluggas.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - Armor type set to infantry high.

    - Health increased to 450.

    - Increased choppas damage by 20%.

    - Squad size reduced to 12.

    - Share soft cap with Tankbustas.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Tank Bustas


    - Get tank busta bomb ability.

    - Get stick bomb ability.

    - Need to set up to fire rocket launcha.

    - Share soft cap with Stormboyz.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Flash Gitz


    - Can get inside buildings and transports.

    - Increased choppas damage by 50%.

    - Max of 5 units in squad.

    - Share soft cap with Nobz.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - New model, version 1.2 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Don't get Nob leader anymore.

    - Melee charge modifer increased to 1.5 instead of 1.3.

    - Increased choppas damage by 20%.

    - Mass increased to 25.

    - Squad start with 3 Nobz, can reinforces to 5.

    - Share soft cap with Flash Gitz.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Mad Dok


    - Removed burna bomb ability.

    - Armor type set to infantry heavy high.

    - Melee charge modifer increased to 1.5 instead of 1.3.

    - Built from Boyz Hut.


    Armored Nobs


    - Squad start with 2 units.

    - Can cap and uncap strategic points.

    - Morale increased to 650.

    - Melee charge modifer increased to 1.5 instead of 1.3.

    - Mass increased to 45.


    Mek boy


    - Built from HQ.

    - Gadgitz research cost increased to 125/125.

    - Melee charge modifer increased to 1.5 instead of 1.3.

    - Research grant super stick bomb.




    - Start with Twin Big Shoota.

    - Each Heavy Boss Armor research upgrades power claw.

    - Melee charge modifer increased to 1.5 instead of 1.3.




    - Use 1 support cap.

    - Cost decreased to 90/70.

    - Build time decreased to 15 secs.

    - Armor type to light vehicle.

    - Hit points decreased to 1200.

    - Start with twin big shoota, can upgrade to lobba or rokkit launcha.

    - Sight range of 25.

    - Share soft cap with Trukk.

    - Max of 6 units.




    - Driver size reduced by 20%.

    - Use 2 support cap.

    - Can get a turreted twin big shoota.

    - Sight range of 25.

    - Share soft cap with Wartrak.

    - Max of 4 units.


    Killer Kan


    - available at Tier 3.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Armor type set to vehicle medium.

    - Hit points increased to 4000.

    - Get smoke launcher.

    - Can uncapture Strategic Points.

    - Keen sight range of 10

    - Max of 3 Kanz.


    Looted Tank


    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Hit points decreased to 4300.

    - Cost decreased to 150/280.

    - Can upgrade battle cannon to zzzap gun after extra armor research.

    - Fixed firing animation of heavy-bolters.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Range sight of 30.

    - Max of 3 tanks.




    - Get 2 loading spaces.

    - Keen sight range of 15.

    - Sight range of 35.



    Space Marines




    - Start with 7500 hitpoints.

    - Tier 2 Addon requires Armoury and Barracks.

    - Tier 2 Addon increases health to 8000.

    - Tier 3 Addon requires Machine pit and Sacred Artefact.

    - Tier 3 Add-on increases health to 9000.


    Chaos Armoury


    - Need Barracks.

    - Marine Health upgrade research increases melee damage done by Scouts, Tacticals and Assault Marines.




    - Changed armor type to commander.

    - Sight range of 25.

    - Added a melee attack.

    - Get Sabotage ability at tier 2, with full animation and FX.

    - Sabotage only target building.

    - Buildings also get damaged by sabotage ability.




    - Uses 2 squad cap.

    - Keen sight range of 15.

    - Sight range of 35.

    - Start with 3 members, can reinforce to 5.

    - Melee damage increased by 50%.

    - Can get Sull Probe as leader upgrade.

    - Increased sniper rifle accuracy and damage versus infantry heavy medium.

    - Sniper Rifle max damage are increased when scouts are infiltrated.

    - Melee damage increased by 50%.

    - Bolter, flamer and plasma gun use same stats as Tactical Marines ones.

    - Max of 3 weapon upgrades.

    - Share soft cap with Tactical and Assault Marines.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Tactical Marines


    - New model, version 1.6 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Features randomized heads and parts.

    - Health increased by 25%.

    - Build cost/time and reinforce cost/time increased by 25%.

    - Can upgrade to Melta Gun at Tier 3.

    - Can't upgrade anymore to missile lancher.

    - Use two transport solts.

    - Share soft cap with Scouts and Assault Marines.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Assault Marines


    - New model, version 1.1 from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Features randomized heads and parts.

    - Health increased by 25%.

    - Build cost/time and reinforce cost/time increased by 25%.

    - Can upgrade to plasma gun or flamer.

    - Share soft cap with Scouts and Tactical Marines.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Skull Probe


    - Can only be used as a leader for Scout Squads.

    - Sabotage ability removed.




    - New model from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Features randomized heads and parts.

    - Available at tier 2.

    - Already armed with heavy bolter.

    - Can upgrade to missile lancher, lascannon or plasma cannon.

    - Missile launcher damage reduced by 45%, but get a small blast radius.

    - Squad start with 3 Devastators, can upgrade to 5.

    - Share soft cap with Veteran Marines.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Veteran Marines


    - New model from Closer to Codex Mod.

    - Available at tier 2.

    - Move faster than normnal Marines.

    - Can get Power Claw or Power Axe upgrades.

    - Get a melee charge modifier.

    - Max of 2 weapons upgrades.

    - Share soft cap with Devastator.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Armor type set to Commander.

    - Hitpoints increased to 450.

    - Build cost increased to 70/20.

    - Build time increased to 10 secs.

    - Use same weapon stats as sergeant chainsword.

    - Max of 3 Apothecaries.


    Force Commander


    - Build from HQ.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Start with Chainsword.

    - Upgrades Chainsword to Power sword after power sword research.

    - Upgrades Power sword to Daemon Hammer after power fist research.




    - Start with powersword, upgrade to Force Weapon after first Commander Health research.




    - Can attach.

    - Keen sight range of 10.


    Grey Knights


    - Armor type set to Commander.

    - Get really high morale.

    - Are now Tier 3.

    - Requires Relic.

    - Built from Sacred Artefact.

    - Benefits from commander researches.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Sight range of 30.

    - Use Hero UI.




    - Assault cannon range decreased back to 30.

    - Can fire on the move.

    - Squad start with 3 Terminators, can upgrade to 5.

    - Power fist uses same stats as assault sergeant'ones.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - You can built either 3 Terminators or Assault Terminators squads, or any combinations.


    Assault Terminators


    - Squad start with 3 Assault Terminators, can upgrade to 5.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Thunder Hammer does same damage as powerfist.

    - You can built either 3 Terminators or Assault Terminators squads, or any combinations.




    - New model, version 1.2 from Closer to Codex team.

    - Use 1 support cap.

    - Armed with a mounted storm bolter.

    - Can upgrade to flamer.

    - Only 2 transport slots.

    - Sight range of 25.

    - Share soft cap with Land Speeder and Razorback.

    - Max of 4 Rhinos.




    - New model done by me.

    - Armed with twin bolter turret.

    - Can upgrade to twin lascannon upgrade after heavy armor deployment research.

    - Only 1 transport slot.

    - Sight range of 25.

    - Get 2500 hitpoints.

    - Share soft cap with Rhino and Landspeeder.

    - Max of 6 units.




    - New model done by myself.

    - Armor type to vehicle low.

    - Hitpoints set to 1300.

    - Cost decreased to 100/70.

    - Build time drecreased to 15 secs.

    - Start armed with storm bolter.

    - Can upgrade to heavy flamer or:

    - Assault cannon.

    - Missile launchers.

    - Sight range of 25.

    - Uses 1 support cap.

    - Share soft cap with Rhino and Razorback.

    - Max of 4 units.




    - New model from Closer to Codex team.

    - Tier 3 unit.

    - Built only from Orbital relay.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Can only upgrade to Multi-Melta.

    - Share cap with Dreadnoughts.

    - Max of 3 units.


    Hellfire Dreadnought


    - New model from Closer to Codex team.

    - Tier 3 unit.

    - Built only from Orbital relay.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Can upgrade assault cannon to inferno cannon.

    - Share cap with Dreadnoughts.

    - Max of 3 units.


    Mortis Pattern Dreadnought


    - New model from Closer to Codex team.

    - Tier 3 unit.

    - Built only from Orbital relay.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Armed with both twin heavy bolter, can upgrade to autocannon and twin lascannon.

    - Share cap with Dreadnoughts.

    - Max of 3 units.




    - Cost decreased to 150/280.

    - Sight range increased to 50.

    - Keen sight range of 15.

    - Share soft cap with both Predator variants.

    - Max of 3 units.




    - New model by Closer to Codex team.

    - Features a mounted gunner.

    - Get smoke launchers.

    - Hitpoints decreased to 4500.

    - Start with the Destructor configuration.

    - Can upgrade heavy bolters to lascannons.

    - Can get twin lascannon only after heavy armor deployment research.

    - Cost decreased to 150/300.

    - Build time decreased to 40 secs.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Share sof cap with Whirlwind and Baal Predator.

    - Max of 3 units.


    Baal Predator


    - New model by Closer to Codex team.

    - Features a mounted gunner.

    - Get smoke launchers.

    - Hitpoints decreased to 4500.

    - Start with Heavy flamers and twin assault cannon.

    - Can upgrade heavy flamers to lascannons.

    - Can get twin lascannon only after heavy armor deployment research.

    - Cost of 150/300.

    - Build time of 40 secs.

    - Use 3 support cap.

    - Keen sight range of 10.

    - Share sof cap with Whirlwind and Predator..

    - Max of 3 units.




    - New model from Closer to codex team.

    - Features a mounted gunner.

    - Hitpoints decreased to 7500.

    - Weapons damage nerfed.

    - Get two smoke launchers.

    - Cost decreased to 200/350.

    - Build time decreased to 60 seconds.

    - Get 2 loading spots.

    - Use 4 support cap.

    - Keen sight range of 15.

    - Sight range of 35.

    - Max of 2 Landraiders.



    Tau Empire


    Kroot Barracks


    - Name changed for Auxiliairies Barracks.


    Path to Enlightenment


    - Jump Pack research now done in this building.

    - Missile barrage research removed.

    - Targeting optics research removed.

    - Mark Squad : new research giving Pathfinder and Sealthsuit the Marker Light ability.

    - Stealth Burst Cannon Enhancements research name changed for Advanced Optics.

    - Improved anti-grav: new research that increases speed of all Tau vehicles by 20%.

    - Improved Power Source research also apply to Vespid Neutron blasters.

    - Improved Metallurgy upgrades health on Pathfinders, Fire Warriors, Drones squad, Devilfish carriers and Drone Harbingers.


    Listening post


    - Railgun range and damage increased.


    Tau Commander


    - Built from Cadre HQ.

    - Get speech effect when activating special ability.

    - Target acquired ability range and damage buffed. Can also target any unit type.

    - Sight range to 30.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Burst cannon range decreased to 30.

    - Can be repaired.

    - Jumping distance increased to 70, like others jumping units.

    - Can get Shield and/or Attack Drone after Path to Enlightment.

    - Close Combat Pack Research: Adds Heavy Flamer.

    - Advanced Close Combat Pack Research: Adds Fusion Gun and Iridium Armor.

    - Fire Support Pack Research: Adds Missile Launchers.

    - Advacned Support Pack research: Adds Plasma rifle and Advanced Sensors.


    Earth caste builders


    - Added a melee attack.

    - Can use skimmer ability.




    - Built from Cadre HQ.

    - Use 2 squad cap.

    - Cost decreased to 45/0.

    - Built time of 5 sec.

    - Base sight range decreased to 35, can upgrade to 50 after Advanced Optics research.

    - Reduced base range of pulse carbine to 20.

    - Increased damage of pulse carbine by 20%.

    - Reduced the slowdown effect of pulse carbine by 60%.

    - Can infiltrates in light and heavy cover.

    - Mark ability available at tier 2.

    - Can get rail rifle upgrade after Path of Montka.

    - Squad start with 3 units, can reinforce to 6.

    - Share soft cap with Fire Warrior and Kroot Carnivore.

    - Max of 6 squads.


    Fire Warriors


    - Armor type set to infantry medium, can upgrade to infantry high.

    - Hit points increased to 450.

    - Sight range increased to 25.

    - Cost decreased to 50.

    - Pulse rifle can now be fired on the move, range decreased to 30.

    - Pulse rifle damage decreased by 15%.

    - Targeting optics: new ability that increases by 20% sight, range and weapon damage for a limited time.

    - Targeting Optics ability requires Advanced Optics research.

    - Squad can reinforce to 10 Fire Warriors.

    - Share soft cap with Pathfinder and Kroot Carnivore.

    - Capped at 6 squads.


    Kroot Carnivores


    - Share soft cap with Fire Warrior and Pathfinder.

    - Max of 6 squads.




    - Require Path to Enlightment.

    - Health decreased by 40%.

    - Build cost/time and reinforce cost/time decreased by 40%.

    - Melee damage reduced by 75%.

    - Squad start with 5 units, can reinforces to 10.

    - Share soft cap with Vespids and Stealth Team.

    - Max of 3 squads.




    - Build from Auxiliaries Barracks.

    - Requires Path to Enlightment.

    - Now have a built time of 10 secs.

    - Keen sight range decreased to 15.

    - Increased Neutron Blaster damage by 100%.

    - Squad start with 3 units.

    - Devour ability can also be used against vehicles.

    - Share soft cap with Kroot Hounds and Stealth Team.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Stealth Team


    - Available at Tier 2.

    - Squad size to 5 + Leader.

    - Use 3 pop.

    - Burst cannon damage increased by 100%.

    - Melee damage increased by 50%.

    - Armor type to infantry high.

    - Health increased to 450.

    - Get marker light ability.

    - Are harder to dectect than other infiltrated units.

    - Max of 3 heavy weapons.

    - Reinforce cost increased to 90/15.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Walking speed increased to 16.

    - Don't need anti-grav research to jump.

    - Anti-Grav research increases walking speed to 20.

    - Burst cannon range decreased to 25.

    - Fusion Blaster available at Tier 3.

    - Share soft cap with Vespids and Kroot Hounds.

    - Max of 3 squads.


    Shasvre Stealth Suit


    - Available at Tier 3.

    - Health increased to 650.

    - Armor type to heavy infantry high.

    - EMP Grenade ability replaced by marker light ability.

    - Cost increased to 110/20.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.


    Broadside Battle suit


    - Requires either Montka or Kauyon command.

    - Cost increased to 220/140.

    - Health increased to 2000.

    - Speed increased to 13.

    - Sight range increased to 30.

    - Can be repaired.

    - Attack range increased to 60.

    - Rail gun range increased to 60.

    - Missile range decreased to 30.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Squad is now composed ot 1 unit.

    - Max of 4 Broadsides on the field.


    Crisis Suits


    - Can be repaired and got limited regeneration.

    - Use 3 pop cap.

    - Squad are made of 3 units.

    - Hit points decreased to 1250.

    - Missile launcher fx added.

    - Missile has an area of effect.

    - Flamer now as a reload time of 0.5 secs.

    - Speed increased to 16.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Max of 2 Crisis squads.




    - Health reduced to 2000.

    - Melee damage decreased by 20%.

    - Rifle range increased to 30.

    - Rifle damage decreased by 30%.

    - Cost decreased to 110/200.

    - Built time of 25 secs.

    - Squad can be reinforced to 3 Krootox.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Max of 2 squads.


    Greater Knarlock


    - Available after Path of Kayaun research.

    - Built from Vehicle Beacon (it's so big that it needs to be transported by an Orca Dropship.)

    - Use 4 support cap.

    - Health decreased to 6400.

    - Speed decreased to 14.

    - Cost decreased to 300/300.

    - Melee damage decreased by 20%.

    - Build time decreased to 25 sec.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Max of 2 units.


    Drones Squad


    - Self Destruct ability can be activated by player.

    - Keen sight range to 10.

    - Can use skimmer ability.

    - Built from Fire Caste Barracks after Path to Enlightment construction.

    - Reduced by 50% damage against vehicles and buildings.

    - Max of 3 Drones squads.




    - Health increased to 1050.

    - Armor set to medium.

    - Speed to 30.

    - Can jump, with fully working animation and FX.

    - Cost to 90/120.

    - Has 1 transport slot.

    - Use 2 support cap.

    - Burst cannon use same stats as Commander Burst cannon.

    - Twin pulse carbines range decreased to 25.

    - Reduced by 50% twin pulse carbine damage against vehicles and buildings.

    - Keen sight range increased to 5.

    - Sight range decreased to 25.

    - Max of 4 transports.


    Harbinger Carrier


    - Hit points increased to 1100.

    - Use 2 support cap.

    - Speed increased to 30.

    - Can jump, with fully working animation and FX.

    - Capped at 3 units.

    - Twin pulse carbines stats same as Devilfish.

    - Keen sight range increased to 5.

    - Sight range decreased to 25.


    Sky Ray


    - Can be built with Montka Command Post or Kauyon Command Post.

    - Buid cost increased to 150/300.

    - Hit points increased to 3000.

    - Moving speed increased from 24 to 30.

    - Can jump, with fully working animation and FX.

    - Missile Barrage reload time increased to 90 secs.

    - Missile Barrage range increased to 150, damage greatly improved.

    - Missiles speed increased to 90 and use artillery template.

    - Missile Barrage fire only 6 missiles.

    - Missile Barrage now cost 250/250.

    - Smart missiles launcher range decreased to 30, accuracy increased to 100%.

    - Sight range increased to 50.

    - Keen sight range increased to 10.

    - Max of 3 Sky Ray.




    - Cost increased to 175/320.

    - Armor type set to Medium.

    - Hit points increased to 3150.

    - Speed increased to 30.

    - Rail gun range increased to 70.

    - Get the Death Pulse ability.

    - Can jump, with fully working animation and FX.

    - Keen sight range increased to 15.

    - Sight range decreased to 35.




    - Air Caste strike ability now use animation and voice FX.

    - Keen sight range increased to 30.



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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    Имперская огневая база молчала третий день, и тираниды решили проверить опустевшее здание.

    По стальному полу дробно проклацал когтями маленький юркий термагент.

    Зажужжал, наводясь на цель, автоматический штурмболтер, но боек не встретил капсюлей и механизм просто грозно залязгал сталью.

    Термагенту этого хватило. Заливаясь дурным верещанием, тиранид удрал в отвилок коридора.

    Сверкнуло голубым, заметался под потолком полный предсмертного ужаса визг термагента.

    Громыхая адамантом и керамитом, в коридор вступил громадный дредноут с усиленной фронтальной броней.

    Мягко жужжа, видеокамеры бронированного гиганта выискивали цель.

    Цель появилась, и не одна.

    Оглашая Огневую Базу сатанинским шипеньем, метнулась в атаку шестерка генокрадов.


    Один генокрад рухнул как подкошеный под градом болтерных зарядов.

    Остальные бросились в свою стихию - ближний бой.

    К сожалению для тиранидов, дредноут Кровавых Ангелов класса "Фуриозо" чувствовал себя в этой стихии несколько более свободно.

    Силовой кулак описал сияющую яростно-голубым светом дугу, и, сыпя искрами, вырвал двум неудачливым генокрадам грудные клетки.

    Еще один атакующий совершенно неожиданно был подсечен круговым взмахом короткой бронированной ноги дредноута. В следующую секунду нога ахнула его по голове, и генокрад забился в агонии.

    Два выживших генокрада вонзили когти в бронещит.


    Протрещал, замыкаясь на корпус, электрический защитный контур и запахло паленым тиранидом.

    Остался всего один генокрад. Его собрат валялся на полу, похожий одновременно на головешку и тряпку.

    Кулак дредноута вбил генокрада в стену.

    С тем Фуриозо и отступил в "свой" отвилок коридора.

    *Время * тянется * так * медленно*

    Коридор Огневой базы содрогнулся под тяжким шагом карнифекса.

    Выдыхая пылающую плазму, титанический зверь пер напролом, безо всякого интереса разглядывая трупы своих соплеменников, разбросанные вокруг.

    Оживший автоматический болтер карнифекс смял ударом своей кошмарной лапы-косы. Затем он принялся разглядывать искрящие электричеством обломки.

    Этого и дожидался дредноут.

    Боевая машина прянула вперед, и силовой кулак грянул в толстый хитин брони карнифекса.

    Тиранид быстро развернулся и плюнул белой в середине и чуть желтоватой по краям струей плазмы прямо в "лицо" дредноута.

    Это не было запланированно!

    Протестующе взвизгнули опаленные видеокамеры, и дробным треском маленьких взрывов внутри магазина отозвался штурмовой болтер.

    Дредноут завертелся на месте, треща и сыпя голубыми и желтыми искрами из дыры, пробитой во фронтальном бронещите.

    В следующее мгновение лапы-косы карнифекса пришли в движение.

    Керамит покрывался трещинами там, куда карнифекс наносил свои исполненные поистине дьявольской силы удары.

    Шипела перебитая пневматика и гидравлика Фуриозо, яростно рубил воздух кулак ослепшего дредноута.


    Пинок заставил дредноута опрокинуться на спину.

    И тут Фуриозо начал вспоминать...

    *Красная жажда*

    *Капеллан Гритц*





    *Темнота саркофага*


    Перегрузив динамики яростным боевым кличем Роты Смерти, дредноут вскочил и рванулся вперед, ориентируясь не зрением - он был практически полностью ослеплен, и уж точно не осязанием, обонянием или еще чем подобным.

    Его вела Красная жажда и Черная Ярость.

    Слепой взмах силового кулака снес одну из лап карнифекса.

    Удивленный тиранид отступил под градом ударов, но сохранил при этом трезвый рассчет.

    Он просто предпочел не блокировать следующий удар слепого дредноута. Лапа-коса со скрежетом прошибла фронтальную броню Фуриозо.

    Но и сам карнифекс не уберегся.

    Силовой кулак врезался прямо в оскаленную морду и снес ее ко всем чертям.

    Тиранид зашелся предсмертным воем, захрипел динамиками Фуриозо.

    Враги повалились на пол друг на друга. Карнифекс попытался подняться, но остаточных рефлексов обезглавленного тела для этого явно не хватало. Громадное тело расслабилось и обмякло на груди сраженного дредноута.

    *Наконец * свободен*


    Dreadnought IMP-BA-1339XZ, Furioso class. Hero's death in battle of Karas Nirk



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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    Решил почитать тему. Ох и заявление.

      Dark сказав:

    Ето все мелочи.

    Вот к началу следующего года планируется выход отдельной игры из вселенной Вархаммер: Mark of Chaos


    Ну-ну. Игра вышла. И провалилась. Ну не то что провалилась, но особой популярностью не пользуется.

    Собсна, товагищи, уря!!!

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      Vano сказав:

    Решил почитать тему. Ох и заявление.


    Ну-ну. Игра вышла. И провалилась. Ну не то что провалилась, но особой популярностью не пользуется.

    Собсна, товагищи, уря!!!


    Урра товарищи. Мир сорокатысячника рулит! Фентези аццтой. Змінено користувачем Dronidzzze
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    А вот и сам мод :biggrin0: в студию!!!!!!! :smile000:


    да уж жалко что другой ссылки не нашлось - скачал бы еще утром...

    но увы не судилось %) пришлось мучаться вы только посмотрите на это :sad00000:

    тестим и отписуемся о впечатлениях =)


    оставляю 2 ссылки так как файл прикрепляться не захотел (ну прям кошмар какой-то )

    у меня мона скатать

    или на 6.1

    как угодно :smile000:

    Змінено користувачем CTPAX


    Darker Than Black

    ¬осподин админ, ¬де я мо¬у узнать, почему буква "¬" переворачивается?

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    только благодаря таким фанатам как наш Игореня и держится, процветает и развивается Вселенная Вархаммера 40000!




    мог бы-поставил по миллиону плюсов за каждую из 794 попыток! :smile000:


    мод стоит того! :smile000:


    если не понравился маштаб камеры (это содатель мода выразил свое видение поля боя), делаем следующее:

    ищем: папка с игрой\DowXP\Data

    и удаляем там 3 файла: camera_ed.lua, camera_low.lua and camera_high.lua

    Змінено користувачем Takada



    если хочешь быть здоров –ешь один и в темноте! :)

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    Да уж...794 попытки...фига се.

    Спасибо большое.

    Э..ток я не понял, это мод или тот патч новый?

    Если мод, то что он вносит в игру?

    Мож я что-то пропустил?..

    Змінено користувачем Vano
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      Vano сказав:

    Да уж...794 попытки...фига се.

    Спасибо большое.

    Э..ток я не понял, это мод или тот патч новый?

    Если мод, то что он вносит в игру?

    Мож я что-то пропустил?..


    Собсно мод который добавляет юнитов к рассам и вносит изменения старым юнитам!!!!

    Мод Кууулл. Мы с Канибалом уже проверили.

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