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    The Freeflight series are just massive fun for all ages, they are ultra fast and simple to assemble as you would expect and quality is top notch, unlike the kind of kits you may have played with as a kid, these brilliant models utilize modern manufacturing techniques making them very durable, not to mention excellent performers.

    The Skylark is a brilliant retro model that can be flown either as a mono-plane or a bi-plane, construction is very simliar to those models you probably flew as a kid and is very slightly more involved perhaps than some of the others in the range in terms of assembly but at the same time, a little more satisfying and still suitable for youngsters. The L-9 features control surface tabs for adjustment and this of course is the real fun of Freeflight, trimming the model to achieve circuits and maybe even a half decent landing when you get it really sussed! In addition, the wing position of the skylark can also be adjusted, shifting Centre of Gravity forwards and backwards, certainly adding to its adjustability, fun and possibly even educational value. Now, if you are thinking you might get tired of winding up the rubber band with your chubby digits, never fear, we even have a battery powered winder with a built in counter (see related products) so no excuses!

    Brilliant cheap fun for both adults and kids, the Freeflight series is a great way to have fun with friends and family in the local park, at picnics or even at your airfield!

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    Спокойной ночи!
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    жмём....... B)



    Живу бедно: сыр с плесенью, вино старое, машина без крыши, телефон без кнопок.............


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