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    Берет не качеством, а количеством, так сказать =).





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    вот вам списки жуткого эбьюза... то, что смотреть нельзя ни в коем случае


    Uwe Boll


    Producer - filmography

    (In Production) (2000s) (1990s)


    1. Far Cry (2008) (pre-production) (producer)

    2. Postal (2007) (filming) (executive producer) (producer)

    3. In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) (post-production) (executive producer)

    4. Seed (2007) (post-production) (executive producer)


    5. BloodRayne (2005) (executive producer)

    6. Alone in the Dark (2005) (executive producer)

    7. House of the Dead (2003) (producer)

    ... aka House of the dead: Le jeu ne fait que commencer (Canada: French title)

    8. Heart of America (2003) (executive producer)

    ... aka Home Room (Australia)

    9. Blackwoods (2002) (executive producer)

    10. Angels Don't Sleep Here (2001) (executive producer)

    ... aka Backflash 2: Angels Don't Sleep Here (UK)

    11. Amour, l'argent, l'amour, L' (2000) (co-producer)

    ... aka Amour, L' (Germany)

    ... aka Love, Money, Love (USA)

    12. Fíaskó (2000) (co-producer)

    ... aka Fiasco (International: English title)

    13. Sanctimony (2000) (TV) (producer)


    14. Fake - Die Fälschung (1998) (executive producer)

    15. Erste Semester, Das (1997) (executive producer)

    16. Amoklauf (1994) (producer)

    17. Barschel - Mord in Genf? (1993) (producer)

    Director - filmography

    (In Production) (2000s) (1990s)


    1. Far Cry (2008) (pre-production)

    2. Postal (2007) (filming)

    3. In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale (2007) (post-production)

    4. Seed (2007) (post-production) (attached)


    5. BloodRayne (2005)

    6. Alone in the Dark (2005)

    7. House of the Dead (2003)

    ... aka House of the dead: Le jeu ne fait que commencer (Canada: French title)

    8. Heart of America (2003)

    ... aka Home Room (Australia)

    9. Blackwoods (2002)

    10. Sanctimony (2000) (TV)


    11. Erste Semester, Das (1997)

    12. Amoklauf (1994)

    13. Barschel - Mord in Genf? (1993)

    14. German Fried Movie (1991)

    Writer - filmography

    (In Production) (2000s) (1990s)


    1. Postal (2007) (filming)

    2. Seed (2007) (post-production)


    3. Heart of America (2003) (story)

    ... aka Home Room (Australia)

    4. Blackwoods (2002)

    5. Sanctimony (2000) (TV)


    6. Erste Semester, Das (1997)

    7. Amoklauf (1994)

    8. Barschel - Mord in Genf? (1993)

    9. German Fried Movie (1991)


    Ужас просто <_<
    И вечный бой! Покой нам только снится.
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