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  • Electronic music
  • Para Halu


    Рекомендовані повідомлення

    Para Halu started in the spring of 2002 by Andras Fekete (Pondesz), Adam Hohmann (Homen), and two friends of them. Later Christian Steiner and Mark Bokay left the project, but they did not finish working together: Christian and Adam are still running Diarrhoea and Mandrugorrah (Mistress of Evil Records) projects. Adam is working as full-time producer in several side projects also, among others in The Path, running with Peter Takacs aka Deto, and currently working on their debut album together with Para Halu. The album will be released in 2007, under the name Para Halu on The Path.



    Para Halu - Live in Sweden 2oo6

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